ZwemcoCloud Admin

Building ZwemcoCloud Admin

When we set out to create ZwemcoCloud, an app that helps users manage their pools, I knew that full control over the backend was going to be essential. So, I took on the challenge of building ZwemcoCloud Admin from scratch. This admin panel now controls everything behind the scenes of ZwemcoCloud, from managing users to handling system settings, and even automating pool heating through cloud services.

The journey wasn’t easy, but it was one of the most rewarding learning experiences I’ve had as a developer. Along the way, I dove deep into API management, learned the intricacies of MQTT, Websockets, and worked with a ton of JavaScript libraries. Here’s how it all came together.

The Backbone: Working with APIs

When you’re building something as dynamic as ZwemcoCloud Admin, APIs are your best friend. I started by learning how to work with and extend an API, building the endpoints from scratch, and making sure every request was fast and secure. The ZwemcoCloud Admin panel interfaces with ZwemcoCloud’s API to fetch data, control system settings, and send commands to the pool systems.

I learned how to design RESTful APIs that allow our app to handle real-time data while staying lightweight. Plus, I had to make sure that the admin panel could scale as we grow and add more users and systems. Learning this from the ground up was crucial for making sure everything is reliable and secure.

Real-Time Communication: MQTT & Websockets

To control the solar panels and heating systems in real-time, I needed real-time communication between the ZwemcoCloud backend and the hardware out in the field. That’s where MQTT and Websockets came in.

  • MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): This protocol is perfect for IoT devices because it’s lightweight and allows for instant communication between devices. Using MQTT, I was able to build a system where the panels communicate back and forth with ZwemcoCloud’s devices, allowing real-time updates on the pool’s status.
  • Websockets: For the admin panel itself, Websockets are key. They allow the panel to stay connected to the backend, sending and receiving updates without needing to constantly reload the page. This makes controlling systems in real-time a seamless experience for administrators.

Structuring the Project & Documents

A project of this scale needs a solid foundation in terms of code structure and documentation. As ZwemcoCloud Admin grew, I made sure that the project was organized in a way that’s easy to maintain and extend. I also learned how to properly structure API documentation, so that my collegue developer also knew what was going on.

With good documentation and a well-organized codebase, we’ve ensured that ZwemcoCloud Admin will be easy to update and build on for future features.

Powerful JavaScript Libraries: ApexCharts, QR Codes & Google Maps

Of course, no admin panel is complete without some useful data visualization and extra tools. For ZwemcoCloud Admin, I integrated several powerful JavaScript libraries to enhance the functionality:

  • ApexCharts: Keeping track of important metrics is critical, so I used ApexCharts to create interactive charts that show real-time data. Administrators can easily see overall temperature trends, energy usage, and overall system health through these clean and customizable charts.
  • QR Code Generators: One of the handy features I built was QR code generation for system devices. By scanning a QR code, users can instantly link their pool’s hardware with ZwemcoCloud, simplifying the setup process.
  • Google Maps API: To visualize pool installations geographically, I integrated Google Maps into the admin panel. This lets administrators see where each system is installed, which is especially useful for maintenance teams tracking installations across multiple locations.

The Journey Ahead

Building ZwemcoCloud Admin from scratch has been a challenging but incredibly rewarding journey. I’ve learned so much about APIs, real-time communication, data visualization, and working with various JavaScript tools. It’s exciting to see how the admin panel has come together and how it continues to optimize the user experience for both our internal team and our dealers.

But this is only the beginning! As we continue to develop new features and integrate more systems, ZwemcoCloud Admin will keep evolving, making pool management even more efficient and accessible for everyone.

Want to discuss this project with me?